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Who Can You Trust?
There is no substitute for having people we can turn to, with confidence that they will not betray or disappoint us. This is such a crucial matter, that it is impossible for us to function properly if we get to the point where we become convinced that there is no one worthy of being trusted. It is necessary for our own mental and emotional well-being.
Some people put a significant amount of trust in governmental authorities. Others put a great amount of confidence in recognized experts, educators, doctors, financial advisors, professional counselors, well know philosophers, or religious leaders. Most of us have a special confidence in our closest family members. This can be especially helpful in the many challenges and struggles that we inevitably face in our lives. There are times though, when even the closest and most faithful people in our lives are not able to provide the help that we may desperately need in a particularly difficult situation. Experience impresses upon us the need, for not only finding those we can trust to be faithful and caring in their dealings with us - but also the need for those we trust to have the ability to fully meet our most pressing needs. There are critical matters each of us face, that not even the most trusted people can help us with. It is not a question of their loyalty or love, it is simply a matter of ability. It has become common for many people to turn their attention inward - to follow the ever-increasing call to trust themselves - to believe in themselves. Many have bought into the dangerous assumption that the best way to get through the toughest challenges of life - and to really experience our highest potential - is to 'believe in yourself'. The folly of this approach ought to be obvious. No matter how strongly or sincerely we believe in ourselves - every one of us us severely limited in our own abilities - no matter how determined or self-confident we may be. This ought to become especially clear when it comes to matters of eternal significance. our time in this life is very limited, and we are all instinctively aware that there is far more to our existence than the fleeting years we experience in our present condition. It is also quite clear that none of us possess the ability or authority, on our own, to know what comes after we die. There are an endless parade of man-made theories about our eternal state - but they vary widely, and are often clearly contradictory. This is a very critical matter. Who can we trust? This is the kind of question that demands a trustworthy explanation - more than any other questions we may have. Surely the only reliable source regarding what comes after this life is the One who created us, and possesses absolute authority over heaven and earth - the One who presides over eternity with perfect power and pure goodness. The God who is revealed in the Bible declares Himself to be such a Being. Again, the critical question is that of trust. How do we know we can trust the God who is revealed in the Bible? First of all, God has given to us a credible explanation of why we experience death. Each of us is estranged from God because of our rebellion against Him, and that results in the most serious of consequences.
This explanation is consistent with what we observe in this life. Sometimes the connection between sin and death is more obvious than others, but, no matter what we do, people keep on defying God, and people keep on dying - it is an unavoidable reality.
Secondly, God also reveals to us that after our lives on this earth end, there will be a day of reckoning. Our conscience confirms that this is, as it must be.
The clear and present existence of evil in this world demands a day of reckoning. We know instinctively that there must be a final accounting for the wrong that has been done in this world.
Thirdly, God has also revealed a message of incredible hope. In spite of our rebellion against our Creator, He has provided a remedy by which we can face eternity with a confident and joyful expectation.
This message is totally consistent with everything Jesus Christ taught, and with the fact that He rose from the dead - in the presence of many credible witnesses.
It is consistent with the testimony of those who knew Jesus best.
It is also consistent with the radically positive change in the lives of those who have turned to Jesus in faith, in order to be forgiven and delivered from their enslavement to rebellion against God.
When it comes to what really matters, God is the one we can trust - and we can trust Him completely!
"If you abide in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine, and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."
John 8:31-32
A Ministry of Free Grace Church
1115 Glenn St. Washington, IL 61571 |