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How Does God See You?
When Jesus invites us to come to Him, He is clearly implying that we are not where we need to be - not in a good place, not in the right place - and so we need to 'come' to Him. So where is it that we come from? This is a simple concept, but so very important. It is critical that we do not miss it in a hasty presumption. This is a point that is very easy to miss. It is easy to miss because our perspective is deficient and distorted. It is easy to miss because it is hard to accept.
We see ourselves as we want to see ourselves - God sees us as we really are. God says that all have sinned, and this is not just a description of mankind in general. We all tend to group people into different levels of moral standings, but we rarely see ourselves as being part of the really bad group. The way God sees it, we are all hopeless sinners - there are no exceptions - not even one. The way God sees things is what really counts.
All sin - every sin - is serious to God.
The reign of death in this world is the direct result of sin.
Our sinfulness has alienated us from God, and made us hostile toward Him.
If we don't understand, or refuse to accept God's assessment of our actual condition, we will not come to Jesus in the way Jesus is speaking of here. When Jesus speaks of our coming to Him, it is coming from a personal recognition of our desperate need. Those who do not see the seriousness of their own plight, will never come to Jesus in a saving faith.
We may come to church, we may come to religion, we may come to Christianity, we may even come to an acknowledgment of certain important facts about Christ. But we will never come to Jesus until we come to the end of ourselves. We cannot come to Jesus until we see our desperate neediness. When Jesus makes the offer for us to come to Him, He is speaking to those who see themselves as He sees us.
If we are coming to Jesus in anticipation of His meeting our greatest need, it is imperative that we are clear about what our greatest need really is. It is crucial that we see the need to come - that we come from the place of seeing ourselves as helpless sinners, in desperate need of deliverance.
"If you abide in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine, and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."
John 8:31-32
A Ministry of Free Grace Church
1115 Glenn St. Washington, IL 61571 |