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How Can I Be Right With God?
It is hard to imagine a more important question than this. It is a question each and every one of us needs to be able to answer with certainty. In the big picture, other concerns are not on the same plane. We spend most of our lives bogged down and distracted with less important questions; how to get a good job, where to live, who to marry, which house to buy, how to address health problems, how to achieve personal goals, how to deal with relationship difficulties, how to handle financial problems...etc.
These issues are certainly very important, but they are not worthy to be compared to the seriousness of our relationship with God. Of all the concerns we may ever deal with, this is the one that really matters - this is the one issue that has ramifications forever and ever. We may make good choices in many other important areas of life, but in the end, where we stand with God will completely overshadow everything else. Jesus put it this way:
If we are not right with God, then we are in serious trouble, no matter how well or bad our life may seem to be going at any given point in time. No matter what we may be struggling with in life, this is the one question that underlies every other concern. Can we be right with God? Ultimately, this needs to become a more personal and practical question - how can I be right with God?
How can I be right with God? In order to answer this question, we must first have a basic understanding of who God is, and what He is like. We need to be willing to set aside natural assumptions and prevailing presumptions about God. God has revealed Himself to be good - in the very essence of who He is. But God's goodness is not like the goodness we often attribute to people. We may describe someone as being a "good person." But even while making this kind of statement, we are aware that this is only a general statement - a relative designation in contrast to others who may not seem so good. God is the only one who is truly good. Jesus stated this plainly:
God's goodness is pure goodness, with no imperfection whatsoever. The purity of His goodness demands final and perfect justice. God's goodness is in perfect alignment with truth. This is made clear when Moses asked God to show him His glory. God declared His goodness to Moses in a fundamental statement of His character in the book of Exodus:
To be right with God requires measuring up to what His righteousness demands - anything less results in inevitable punishment.
How can I be right with God? The important issue is that of personal guilt. Who is guilty? Am I personally guilty? How guilty am I? God has not left us to wonder about where each of us personally stand in relation to our Creator:
Though we may not see ourselves as being guilty before God - He obviously does - and it is His perspective that counts. Even more importantly, we are unable on our own to do anything to make our guilt go away. On our own, it is our guiltiness that dominates our relationship to God.
We have no means of our own whatsoever to erase our guiltiness. There are endless ways that we may attempt to make ourselves right before God - but it is a hopeless undertaking, no matter how sincere, and how much effort is made.
We may try our best to do what is right, but our efforts will never be enough. That is the primary reason God revealed His righteous standard in the law He gave through Moses. By demonstrating His holiness in the law, God provided the means by which each and every one of us could clearly see our personal guiltiness before Him.
Our personal plight is as serious as it is hopeless in trying to make ourselves right with God. Jesus said that He will one day come again to judge the world in righteousness. He said that those who are still guilty when He comes:
At this point we should be able to personally relate to the hopeless frustration of the Lord's disciples on one occasion when they exclaimed:
"...Then who can be saved?" (Matthew 19:25b)
Or with Job when he asked;
"But how can a man be in the right before God?" (Job 9:2b)
I can be right with God.
In the riches of God's mercy, He has made it possible for even sinners like you and me to be right with our Creator. He has made it possible - there is no other way. In response to the disciples desperate question - "Then who can be saved?" - Jesus made a most encouraging reply;
God sent His own Son into this sin-cursed world for the very purpose of taking away our guilt. It is not a partial or temporary fix. It is not a merely symbolic or figurative renovation. It is not merely a mental or psychological rejuvenation. It is not found in a religious form or formula. It is a genuine and completely adequate remedy for our sin.
The only way for us to be right with God, is to put our trust in Jesus alone.
I can know I am right with God!
God's provision for sinners is fully and forever adequate. It is the only real remedy for sin - and it is totally sufficient. It is offered to all who will come to the Lord Jesus.
On the assurance of God's Word, I can be certain that I am right with God, both now and for eternity, having no confidence in myself, but full assurance in Jesus.
When Jesus was raised from the dead, God confirmed His provision for our sin as being fully and forever adequate. Those who knew Jesus best were convinced that through His sacrifice they could be sure that they were right with God - and so can we.
"If you abide in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine, and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."
John 8:31-32
A Ministry of Free Grace Church
1115 Glenn St. Washington, IL 61571 |