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Are You Sure You are Going to Heaven? There are a lot of uncertainties in this life. Things we may have been counting on can be taken away from us in a moment we could never have anticipated. There are many things we are forced to place a measure of confidence in, just to be able to function - even though we realize that they are by no means completely reliable.
Event the most reliable sources we count on for daily living, are in no way reliable enough to provide the assurance we need when it comes time to face the transition from this life to the next. In facing death, we need a certainty that transcends even the most reliable people and institutions this world has to offer. Even the best of people and organizations fail - and sometimes, just when we need them most. In confronting death, we need more than a good bet, a low-risk strategy, or even a religious sincerity. Sadly many people are not able to face death with a steadfast and legitimate certainty. Many have embraced the common assumption that when they, or their loved ones die - they will surely be in a better place. The question is - whether or not this assumption is legitimate. How can we know for certain that we will go to heaven when we die? Upon what basis or authority, can such critical assurance be reliably founded? Can we have a steadfast certainty in relation to what comes after death? We need genuine assurance, concerning the final outcome for our eternal soul. Jesus of Nazareth spoke with Divine authority concerning the very real possibility for sinners to be able to face death with a steadfast - and even joyful - certainty. In His resurrection from the dead, He verified with absolute certainty that the things He promised can be counted on, beyond the shadow of a doubt. The day after Jesus' miraculous provision in the feeding of the 5,000, He spoke words that provide for us a blessed and confident expectation we can count on to the end of time, and the eternal ages beyond.
Jesus had spoken earlier of the fact that the Father had given Him authority to execute judgement on the final day. He made it clear that the only way to avoid the coming judgement is to believe in Him - to come to Jesus.
"If you abide in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine, and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."
John 8:31-32
A Ministry of Free Grace Church
1115 Glenn St. Washington, IL 61571 |