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Of all the concerns that we face in our lives, none looms larger than death... We may do what we can to avoid serious consideration of its unrelenting reality - but its dread prevails, driving a fearfulness that dominates a significant portion of the living. If death was not an overriding concern - we would deal very differently with so many of the dangers we face - and indeed many of those dangers would not seem so dangerous. It is common for us, from a distance, to try and treat the subject of death with a casual uncertainty. But there is nothing casual about death when it gets up close and personal.
If we are willing to honestly consider the reality of death, we will need to come to grips with the actual and underlying cause of death. We are all too familiar with the many things that may be listed as the cause of death on a death certificate - but the far more important consideration ought to be the underlying reason death is a dominating reality in our world. Why does death have to be? We acknowledge that death is as certain for every one of us as anything can be, but why is this so? Even if we avoid major illness, homicide, fatal accidents...we know that we will still die - even if it comes down to 'old age' or 'natural causes'. Why is this so? Men have done their best to offer up 'scientific' explanations, but in the end they are left to hopeless speculation. We know that from a physical standpoint our bodies began the process of dying very early on - but why? There need not be any mystery or uncertainty about this very important question. There are many questions we cannot know the answer to with any degree of certainty, but the question of why we die is not one of them. God - who created us in His own image - has very clearly revealed the answer to this all-important question in His Word. When Adam and Eve disobeyed the Lord, they plunged themselves and all of their posterity into the deadly consequences of their rebellion against God.
There is another extremely important and corresponding reality that God has revealed in His Word. It is the reality that there is another far more solemn peril that many will face after physical death. It is what God refers to as the 'second death'. It is of infinitely greater consequence than the physical death we face at the end of this life. It is the eternal state of everlasting condemnation that each of us deserves in light of our own rebellion against God.
Even more importantly, God has revealed to us that there is a way to have a full and final victory over death. Physical death may be inevitable in this dying world - but it doesn't need to have the final say. God has provided a means by which sinners like you and I can face physical death without dread or dismay, through the sacrifice of His own Son to fully atone for our sin.
In the riches of His mercy and grace, God has provided a simple way for us to be delivered from the judgment that will come after physical death - through faith in His Son for deliverance from our sin.
The Son of God provides for us a rock solid confidence in the face of death. Jesus was put to death on our behalf - but that is not the end of the story. Jesus died, was buried, and then rose bodily from the grave in a triumph over death that reverberates throughout all of the eternal ages. Those who had walked closest to Jesus during the 3 years of His public ministry, were well aware (as were His enemies) that Jesus clearly linked His own Diety, and the trustworthiness of His claims - to His resurrection from the dead. His closest followers had everything to gain, or lose, depending on the outcome of Christ's death. It cannot be clearer that these men witnessed fully the fact of Jesus' resurrection from the dead. Their very own lives - after seeing their risen Lord - provides the strongest and incontrovertible evidence that Jesus did indeed put an end to the agony of death, by His own personal triumph over the grave. Most of these men embraced a lonely martyr's death on account of their unflinching confidence in their Savior's victory over death
In the face of mankind's greatest fear, it is possible to have certainty and peace. It is not a confidence in any goodness of our own at all. It is an abiding assurance in the sufficiency of Jesus as our own personal sin-bearer, and the One who led the way in granting to us a full and final victory over the last enemy, which is death!
"If you abide in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine, and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."
John 8:31-32
A Ministry of Free Grace Church
1115 Glenn St. Washington, IL 61571 |